100% focus and effort - How to become your best self


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In this episode of Digital Transformation & Leadership, Danny Levy talks to Tony Wilson the Head Coach, Director at Performance Lab. They talk through three points that will help you get the best out of yourself inside and outside of work. This includes tactics to cut down the time you work by giving 100% focus and effort, doing the harder thing (deciding what NOT to do), managing physical and emotional energy, mastery of work, home, relationships and self and how to manage stress by doing the small things instead of the big ones.

Originally a performance coach for elite athletes and sporting teams throughout Australia and the USA, Tony combines his degrees in performance science (BSc) and contemporary management theory (MBA) to put a unique slant on high performance in and out of the office. With a focus on the science of high performance, Tony works with leaders around the world to help create the environment for their people to thrive, and works with individuals on managing their own performance and productivity. He is changing the way people work and lead. You should have work life balance AND performance. When you track your goals and create new habits, you set up your day to be more effective.