8 Sentosa Gateway, Singapore 098269
8 - 10 July 2025
Tel: 65 6737 6888
Hotel Website
At Equarius Hotel, guests can enjoy the vastness of the sprawling resort while getting up-close and personal with nature. The hotel has a total of 7 banquet rooms where meetings and social events can be held. These rooms have a total area of up to 1,600 square metres with a combined capacity of over 1,400 people. Balconies extend outside the banquet rooms, bringing in the natural daylight to allow your guests a panoramic view of the lush tropical forest surrounding the hotel.
Everything you could possibly need to make business a pleasure is right here. This resort ensconces delegates in a haven of lush greenery with flexible amenities. Meeting options are endless with a VIP pavilion, private gardens, verandahs and mesmeric sunset views to complement 7 spacious function rooms – making the Equarius an ideal choice for ProcureCon Asia!
BEWARE OF ROOM BLOCK AND RESERVATIONS SCAMS! Please note that the information provided above is the only official method to make reservations within the conference for hotel bedrooms. No housing company has been sanctioned by WBR and any outside groups contacting you claiming to be the housing provider for the event are not affiliated with the conference or WBR. If you have been contacted by one of these companies, or have any questions regarding making your hotel reservations for the event, please contact your event manager or call +65 6408 9200