Banking For the Future: Standard Chartered on why ESG is the backbone of the business


Tom Bollen, Head of Supply Chain Management, Asia at Standard Chartered blends his finance background with procurement expertise to give him a unique skill set and insight into the inner workings of the business.

In this interview, Tom tells us the top trends in the industry right now, the achievements in sustainability, the bank’s vision for the future and insights into:

  •  How we can expect increased scrutiny around governance and the importance of accuracy 
  • Why ESG is a big part of their values, their commitment to shareholders and intentions for the future 
  • Tom’s perspective on the key barrier in reaching net zero targets 
  • Standard Chartered’s commitment to sustainability, collaboration with suppliers and how digitalisation must be led by the CFO and the board 
  • The mindset change needed in relation to ESG and the opportunities for profit

Watch the interview