Indonesia's First Digital Bank (CIMB) places sustainability, suppliers and sourcing at the top of their agenda


Katlyn Ignacio is the Head of the Procurement, Outsourcing and Facilities department for the first digital bank in the Philippines - CIMB Bank Philippines. Katlyn is a sustainability advocate and passionate about pushing sustainability to the top of the agenda!

In this interview, Katlyn reveals the importance of driving CIMB’s ESG strategy, the risks of falling into a narrow focus and why a structured approach in supplier collaboration is needed. She covers mindset, supplier relationships, the importance of data in this exclusive look into the inner workings of the business.

  • CIMB’s drive to push sustainability outcomes and realise the potential for business growth 
  • How they boomed during the pandemic and how they managed disruption
  • The impact of localisation, the risks and benefits to the economy 
  • How to protect your suppliers and bring greater efficiencies

Watch the interview