Icertis Guide to Procurement agility with Contract Lifecycle Management


Trusted by major players in the world such as Mercedes-Benz and Microsoft, Icertis has just launched the world’s first generative AI applications for enterprise contract lifecycle management (CLM), to safeguard interests and protect against risks. They’ve integrated of AI to improve contracting, efficiency in contract negotiations and engagements while effectively managing risks with minimised error points.

Prashant Choube, General Manager of Presales (APAC, MEA) at Icertis, with 17+ years of experience in  leading technology providers like IBM and Oracle, is an expert at modernising the CLM function. Prashant spills his secrets on how procurement leaders can ensure their businesses are getting the best arrangements during negotiations, structuring contract data and connecting it to the systems, maintaining control of their commercial relationships and more!

“With contract management technology, we are trying to change the mindset because now, a contract is a source of business value and opportunity.”

In this exclusive interview with ProcureCon Asia 2023, he goes further into:

  • How the foundation of supplier-procurement relationships can be elevated to enhance quality and reliability.
  • Necessary devil or angel – how the right contract can bring invaluable values and opportunities such as ESG diversity and supply chain de-risking.
  • Automating your contract management process – key areas on how technology serves as an enabler for change, such as defining corrective actions around risks automatically flagged!

If you’re looking to strengthen your relationships with suppliers or improve your CLM process, check out this interview for tips you’ve probably never considered before to foster a digital-first culture and effectively harness AI to drive newfound efficiencies!